Nadia Mitchem
Well, hello!!
I’m Nadia

I’m so glad you’re here!

I am a curious, slow-traveling, globetrotting nomad helping you discover your travel moxie!

You want to travel the world, yet the very
idea of it feels overwhelming.  I help individuals take their first or next
Solo and Slow Travel Experience. You have come to the right place! Your travel dreams are more within reach than you think.

read my story


I aspire to empower adventurous female travelers to embrace their independence and fearlessly explore the world while tapping into their own travel moxie!

Moxie: confidence, courage, determination, fighting spirit

Sound familiar?

Are you the go-to decision-maker, the fearless team leader, the savvy problem-solver, the one calling the shots… for everyone else? But, when it’s time to focus on your own epic adventures and globe-trotting dreams, do you find yourself playing tug-of-war with doubts and what-ifs?

Let’s see if these ring a bell:

  • Can I really jet off on a solo adventure?
  • Is it time to hit pause on my career for a bit of globe-trotting?
  • It’s probably not the right moment, right?
  • How safe is it to wander the world for a while?
  • What’s the price tag on a dream journey?
  • Where on earth do I start planning?

Meanwhile, your social feeds are a parade of wanderlust – Instagram bursting with breathtaking landscapes, TikTok filled with quirky travel hacks, YouTube brimming with jaw-dropping journeys. Your inbox overflows with travel newsletters, and your daydreams are all about stamping that passport next.

Think of me as your travel mentor, bringing clarity and excitement to your journey plans. I want to help you navigate your travel aspirations and transform them into unforgettable experiences!

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